Honey & Balsamic Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

I really love this dish, it require little time, its ingredient are very basic which make it very easy to prepare, a perfect dish to prepare at the end of the day!

Mise en place

First, let's get everything we needs for the recipe!

The different ingredients for the recipe


  • 300g baby white potatoes
  • 2 carrot
  • 1 red onion
  • 150g sweetheart cabbage


  • 300g chicken thighs


  • 25g honey
  • 1 tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
  • 1 handful of fresh rosemary
  • Stock (we can use stock cube here)


  • Chef knife
  • Ovenproof dish
  • Container


  • Salt
  • Pepper

Meanwhile we prepare the mise en place, we can preheat the oven to 240C / fan 220C / gas mark 9.

Let's get started:

  1. Halve the potatoes lengthways
  2. Slice the carrots into 2cm thick dics
  3. Cut the onion into 2cm thick wedges

And place them in the ovenproof dish.

Vegetable for the recipes

The in you container place the following:

  1. 1 tbsp of aged balsamic vinegar
  2. 1 tbsp of wholegrain mustrat
  3. handful of fresh rosemarry finely chopped
  4. 25g of honey

Mix it and place the chicken tighs in it.

Marinade for the chicken

Finally roughly slice the cabbage. Now we are done with the mise en place, congratulation!

You can now clean you knife and put it away as we will no longer need it.

Cooking the chicken and vegetables

Ovenproof with food before cooking Now that everything is ready, the easy part, add some salt and pepper and oil to the vegetable and put it to the oven for 20 minutes.

After the 20 minutes, remove the dish from the oven a close its door to keep it warm, add the cabage at the top of the vegetable and then the chicken. You can now put the dish back to the oven for 15 minutes.

During these 15 minutes, get the stock ready.

Ovenproof with food after cooking

After the 15 minutes, add the stock to the dish and bake for a final 5 minutes, you can also flip the chicken to avoid it to dry out.

And we are done!

The final touch

Recipe plated

Make sure the chicken is cooked. That done, I like to leave the plate in the oven for a bit, before the plating and bon appetit!