Poolish, a pre-ferment mixture of flour, water, and a small amount of yeast, contributes to the unique flavor and texture of artisan bread. As we explore a user's experience with the Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast (FWSY) recipe, we'll uncover valuable insights into troubleshooting poolish-related challenges during the winter.

Poolish Recipe


  • Bowl
  • Wooden spoon
  • Plastic wrap


  • 150g all-purpose flour
  • 150g water
  • 4g instant yeast


1. Mixing the Poolish:

  • Combine flour, water, and yeast in a bowl.
  • Stir until well incorporated.
  • Cover with plastic wrap.

Poolish mixed

2. Fermentation:

  • Overnight in the Fridge:
    • Allow the poolish to rest in the refrigerator for 16 hours.
    • This cold fermentation enhances flavor and texture.
  • On the Counter:
    • If ambient temperature is cool, aim for warmer water (26-29°C) during initial mixing.
    • Let the poolish rest on the counter for about 12 hours.

Poolish result

Photo: [Insert Image of Poolish Here]


Winter can make things more challenging, the poolish can lacked the desired bubbly consistency. Here is how it can be addressed.

  1. Temperature Control:

    • Starting with warmer water at the beginning helps kickstart fermentation.
    • If your kitchen is too cool, consider using the oven with the light on for consistent warmth.
  2. Yeast Measurement:

    • Accurate yeast measurement is crucial for achieving the right poolish consistency.
    • Try different yeast-to-flour ratios.
  3. Scaling Up:

    • Adjust yeast quantity when scaling up the recipe, but avoid overcompensation.
    • Longer fermentation may be required for yeast to fully develop in larger batches.
  4. Time:

    • Over 12/16 the yeast may have consume all the flour which may lead to a too acidic result


Baking with poolish, especially in winter, involves a learning process. By paying attention to temperature, yeast measurement, and experimenting with different approaches, you can overcome challenges and enjoy the perfect loaf. Let the warmth of your poolish shine through, even in the coldest months, as you continue your baking adventure!